Even though the 1979 Book of Common Prayer designates baptism as full initiation into the Christian faith and confirmation is no longer required in order to receive communion in the Episcopal Church, we continue to hold confirmation services. What, then, is our theology of initiation? If baptism is in fact full initiation, why be confirmed? Here are two papers prepared for the Theology Committee of the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church, with responses by two liturgical theologians.
Kathryn Tanner, Winter 2006 (V.88 | N.1)
Towards a New Theology of Confirmation
Ruth A. Meyers, Summer 2006 (V.88 | N.3)
Fresh Thoughts on Confirmation
James F. Turrell, Summer 2006 (V.88 | N.3)
Muddying the Waters of Baptism: The Theology Committee’s Report on Baptism, Confirmation, and Christian Formation