Call for Papers
Anglican Theological Review
Special Issue: Theologies of Choice After Dobbs
Guest Editor: The Rev. Dr. Danielle Tumminio Hansen
Proposals deadline: June 15, 2023
Does the Anglican/Episcopal Church have a theology of abortion? If so, what is it, and what sources inform it? Is there—or should there be—space for difference and dissent, or should one definitive point of view prevail? This special issue of the ATR seeks to launch a dialogue within Anglican circles about theologies of reproductive choice. In the United States, at least, the abortion debate has been intractable and intricately linked to theology, as both the pro-life and pro-choice discourses have been heavily shaped and reinforced by Christian leaders.
This work is timely for two reasons: First, the overturn of Roe v. Wade has brought abortion into the spotlight, raising important questions about the ethics and theology of abortion. As the overturn of Roe has brought abortion to the forefront of public discourse, questions about how to discern a theological ethic of abortion are likewise at the center of theological discourse. After the overturn of Roe, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry issued a statement in which he grieved the Supreme Court’s decision because of the negative impact it would have on the lives of women, especially those from marginalized communities.[1]
Second, those who lead in the Anglican Communion will find little in the way of lengthy theological discussions on this topic. No books on the matter have been published from a distinctly Anglican/TEC perspective, nor have substantive journal articles been dedicated to the matter.
Moreover, authoritative voices throughout the Communion have issued conflicting statements on the matter over the past hundred years. A more robust theological discussion is therefore not only justified but necessary for faith leaders and members of the Communion alike.
This special issue of the ATR seeks to offer international perspectives on abortion theology as it relates to Anglican thought. We welcome participation from historians, constructive theologians, systematic theologians, pastoral theologians, liturgists, faith leaders, and practitioners. We invite both scholarly research articles (7000-8000 words) and shorter theological reflections for our Practicing Theology section (3000-4000 words). We also issue a special call for poetry on this topic which will be available here:
Potential Topics May Include (but are not limited to):
- What does the notion of “choice” mean to Anglicans/Episcopalians?
- What role does cultural context play in determining the moral permissibility of abortion?
- What are the benefits of having a via media approach to abortion?
- What unique resources can Anglican/Episcopal theologians draw upon to develop their own theology of abortion?
- What should be the relationship between Anglican/Episcopal theology and secular law?
Interested contributors should submit a proposal including a title and 150-word abstract and short bio to guest editor, Danielle Tumminio Hansen, via email:
Please make clear if you are proposing a major research article or a a shorter essay for the Practicing Theology section.
Proposals are due by June 15, 2023. If your proposal is accepted, completed submissions are due via the ATR website by October 15,2023.
[1] Michael Curry, “Statement on Supreme Court Dobbs Decision by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.”