The Anglican Theological Review is committed to creative engagement with Christian tradition, and to interdisciplinary inquiry that includes philosophy, science, and literature and the arts. We are happy to consider articles that pertain to any of the classical disciplines of theological study, and particularly encourage authors to submit work that speaks to current issues and debates.On this page you will find instructions for submitting and formatting an article or poem and special guidelines for book reviews. 

Download our Complete Information for Authors PDF for article style sheets.

Submitting Articles | Submitting Poems | Style Sheet (PDF)

Submitting Articles

Manuscripts must be submitted through the SAGE Track website:

Submissions must be accompanied by:

1. an abstract between 100 and 150 words in length,
2. a brief biographical statement,
3. a current curriculum vitae, and
4. five to seven keywords pertaining to the subject of the article.

Manuscripts for the “Articles” section should be between 7,000 and 8,000 words in length (including footnotes). Manuscripts for the “Practicing Theology” section should be between 3,000 and 4,000 words in length (including footnotes).

Submitting Poems

The ATR has a longstanding commitment to publishing poetry alongside its academic articles and reviews, and to reviewing collections of poetry. We recognize the important contribution of poets to Anglican theological discourse, from the sixteenth century to the present day. We print the work of established poets with numerous publications alongside that of emerging poets. We are happy to have published Mark Jarman, Andrew Hudgins, Jeanne Murray-Walker, Peter Cooley, Luci Shaw, and Shane McCrae, among many other fine poets.

The ATR seeks poetry that explores the contours of faith, doubt, and devotion, aspects of Christian spirituality, or larger questions of meaning. The poetry published in our pages uses fresh and evocative imagery, is attentive to the sound of language, and is attuned to the work of contemporary poets as well as past masters of religion and literature.

We do not publish poetry that is archaic in language, saccharine in devotion, or didactic in theology. Poems that make use of traditional forms in inventive and surprising ways are welcome.

Please submit up to 6 previously unpublished poems as a Word doc. or PDF. Include a brief cover letter and bio. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, as long as you notify us immediately of a submitted poem’s acceptance elsewhere. A note on simultaneous submissions: when submitting in Duosuma, please upload each poem as a separate file. This is the only way to withdraw individual poems from within a larger submission. (In other words, if you put all the poems in one file and then wish to withdraw one poem, Duosuma will withdraw the entire file.)

We accept poetry submissions via Duosuma. Click here to be taken to the Duosuma site.

NOTE: This is a change from our previous practice of submissions via email. Please use the online submission manager for poetry submissions.

If you wish to review collections of poetry for the ATR, please email Regina Walton, Poetry Editor, at