Here are links to other websites that may be of interest to friends of the  ATR. We have included sources of information about Anglicanism and the Anglican Communion, publishers, other journals, and institutions.

Anglican Church of Canada
The Anglican Communion
The Episcopal Church of the USA

American Academy of Religion
DeKoven Center
Episcopal Church Foundation
Society of Christian Ethics

News Services:
Anglican Communion News Service
Anglicans Online
Episcopal News Service
National Council of Churches

Anglican World Online
Anglican Journal (Anglican Church of Canada)
Journal of the American Academy of Religion
Journal of Anglican Studies
Journal of Religion
Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics
Journal of Theological Studies (Oxford Journals)
Sewanee Theological Review 
Theology Today

Publishing Companies:
ABC Publishing (Anglican Book Centre, Canada)
Augsburg Fortress
Blackwell’s (same website to get to books, books on-line, and journals)
Chalice Press
Church Publishing
Cistercian Publications
Crossroad Publishing
Forward Movement Publications
John Hunt Publishing
Liturgical Press
Morehouse Publishing
Rowman and Littlefield
Westminster John Knox

ATR Supporting Institutions:
Berkeley Divinity School at Yale
Bexley Seabury Seminary Federation
Bloy House
Church Divinity School of the Pacific
College of Emmanuel and St. Chad
Episcopal Divinity School
Episcopal Studies Program, Candler School of Theology, Emory University
The General Theological Seminary
Huron University College
Montreal Diocesan Theological College
Nashotah House
Saint Paul University, Anglican Studies
The School of Theology of the University of the South
Seminary of the Southwest
Trinity College
Trinity School for Ministry
Vancouver School of Theology
Virginia Theological Seminary
Wycliffe College

The Anglican Church of Canada
The Episcopal Church
Episcopal Church Foundation
The episcopal Church site archive
image of church