About Ordering or Donating Online with PayPal
To order online, simply click the PayPal button above.
PayPal is the world’s first instant, secure online payment service. With PayPal, individuals and businesses can send and receive payments through the Internet. CNET has recommended PayPal as “the most reliable personal payment service.”
If you are not a member of PayPal, you will be asked to register by giving your name, e-mail address, and credit card information on a secure website.
PayPal will not sell, rent, or share any of your personally identifiable information with third parties.
For further information about PayPal:
– Click here to visit their website, www.PayPal.com.
– Click here to learn more about PayPal’s privacy policy.
Once you have registered with PayPal, you may order as many items as you wish by clicking the icon next to each one. There is no shopping basket for multiple orders, but items ordered at the same time will be received and processed together.