Since 1990 the ATR has been received free of charge by a growing number of seminaries, theological schools, and Christian communities around the world. Founded by the ATR president Mark S. Sisk, later bishop of New York, and Jackie Winter, the Seminaries Abroad Gift Program now sends the journal to 170 institutions in sixty-six countries—from Zambia to Fiji, from Romania to Argentina.
See a list of institutions and donors below!
The Seminaries Abroad Gift Program benefits schools large and small, new and old, providing diverse curriculums and serving diverse communities. Mindolo Anglican Seminary in Kitwe, Zambia, founded in 1982, is one of our youngest schools. Codrington College, Barbados, which opened in 1745, holds a venerable place as the first theological college in the Anglican Communion.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong continues a long tradition of religious and theological education in China, with a student body of over one hundred and a large professorship. Responding to its graduates’ need for skills that will immediately benefit local church communities, Trinity College, Legon, Ghana, includes animal husbandry in its curriculum. The school has a piggery, a herd of sheep, a fish pond, and a vegetable garden.
The library facilities of the schools vary enormously, reflecting not only their financial conditions, but also the political climate. The library of Union Biblical Seminary in Pune, India, has over 41,000 books, as well as archives and a rare book collection. Bishop Gwynne College in the Sudan lost its library with the displacement of the school during the civil war.
Although the Review is sponsored by Episcopal and Anglican seminaries in the United States of America and Canada, the institutions that receive the journal are not exclusively Anglican. Many are interdenominational; in Eastern Europe, for example, we send the journal to Orthodox and Roman Catholic institutions as well as to Protestant faculties.
At most of these schools, tight budgets prohibit journal subscriptions. The gifts of the ATR are always appreciated and we are especially delighted when our friends visit schools around the world and find the ATR in libraries. The Seminaries Abroad Gift Program meets both intellectual and practical needs, fulfilling its fundamental goal: the establishment of direct ties to the worldwide community of theological education.
We welcome suggestions for expanding the Seminaries Abroad Gift Program. To sponsor a subscription, or to endow a permanent subscription, click the “donor needed” button next to a seminary below. For more information, contact the Director of Operations at the ATR business office.
Institution | Donors |
Anglican Church of Burundi | Peter Eaton, Diocese of Southeast Florida |
Anglican Diocese of Dunedin | Donor Needed |
Africa University, Zimbabwe | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
African Evangelistic Enterprise, Uganda | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Aglipayan Central Theological Seminary, Philippines | The Rt. Rev. Robert Fitzpatrick |
Aicmar, Kenya | Scott Gunn |
Airahu Training Centre, Solomon Islands | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Anglican Study and Research Center, Myanmar | Robert MacSwain |
Anglican University of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Baptist Seminary (KKBBSC), Thailand | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Berea Bible College and Seminary, Ghana | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Berea Theological College, Kenya | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Bethel Faith Spark Bible College, India | Jaqueline B. Winter |
Bible School, Rwanda | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Bible School of Buhiga, Burundi | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Biblioteca Dumitru Staniloae, Romania | David Gould |
Biblioteka Wydzialu Teologicznego, Poland | Pierre Whalon |
Bida Bible Training Centre, Nigeria | Donor Needed |
Bishop Allison Theological College, Uganda | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Bishop Balya College, Uganda | Donor Needed |
Bishop Barham Theological College, Burundi | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Bishop Barham University College, Uganda | William E. Blottner |
Bishop Crowther College of Theology, Nigeria | Donor Needed |
Bishop Gaul College, Zimbabwe | Jackie Winter |
Bishop Hannington Institute, Kenya | Scott Gunn |
Bishop McAllister Theological College, Uganda | Scott Gunn |
Bishop Patteson Theological College, Solomon Islands | Ruth Meyers |
Bishop Williams’ Theological Seminary, Japan | Donor Needed |
Bodhi Institute of Theology, India | St. Paul University, Anglican Studies Program |
Carlile College, Kenya | William Knutson |
Casa Franciscana, Brazil | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Cathedral Institute, Sri Lanka | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Central Buganda University, Uganda | Joseph Cundiff |
Centro Anglicano de Estudios Teologicos Superiores, Guatemala | Ellen K. Wondra |
Centro de Estudios Cristianos, Panama | Claire Field |
Centro de Estudios Teologicos, Dominican Republic | Roger A. Ferlo |
Centro de Estudos Anglicanos, Brazil | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Centro de Estudos Teologicos, Brazil | William O. Gregg |
Centro Intereclesial de Estudios Teologicos y Sociales, Nicaragua | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Centrul de Cercetare Ecumenica Sibiu, Romania | Michael P. Stephenson |
Charles University, Protestant Theological Faculty, Czech Republic | William H. Petersen |
Chinese University of Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China | C. Davies Reed |
Christian Institute, Nigeria | Donor Needed |
Christian Training Centre, Papua New Guinea | Donor Needed |
Codrington College, West Indies | Henry Atkins |
College of the Transfiguration, South Africa | Vincentia Kgabe |
Comenius University, Slovak Republic | Donor Needed |
College of Theology Cuttington University, Liberia | Irene Lawrence |
Corporacion Universitaria Adventista, Colombia | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Diocesan School of Evangelism, The Gambia | Katherine Sonderegger |
Diocesan Theological Seminary, Mozambique | Donor Needed |
Diocese of Dunedin, New Zealand | George H. Brant |
Diocese of Hpa’an Training School, Myanmar | Donor Needed |
East China Theological Seminary, People’s Republic of China | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Ecumenical Theological College, Malawi | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Edwardes College, Pakistan | Patrick Coleman |
Episcopal Church Mission Center, Philippines | Donor Needed |
Emmanuel Divinity College, Myanmar | Donor Needed |
Faculte de Theologie Protestante de Butare, Rwanda | Donor Needed |
Gurukul Lutheran Theological College & Research Institute, India | Donor Needed |
Helderberg College, South Africa | Kevin Flynn |
HKSKH Ming Hua Theological College, People’s Republic of China | John L. Kater |
Holy Cross Theological College, Myanmar | Donor Needed |
Holy Trinity Cathedral, New Zealand | Donor Needed |
House of the Epiphany, Malaysia | Donor Needed |
Iglesia Anglicana del Uruguay, Uruguay | Catherine L. Regen |
La Iglesia Episcopal de Cuba, Cuba | Peter Eaton, Diocese of Southeast Florida |
Iglesia Episcopal de El Salvador, El Salvador | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Iglesia Episcopal del Ecuador, Ecuador | Jacqueline B. Winter |
Immanuel College of Theology, Nigeria | Erin Kirby |
Institut Theologique de Matana, Burundi | Fredrica Harris Thompsett |
Institute of Ecumenical Studies, Czech Republic | William H. Petersen |
Institute of Pastoral Studies, Nigeria | Donor Needed |
Instituto Biblico Buenos Aires, Argentina | John J. Pennington |
Instituto Superior Evangelico de Estudios Teologicos, Argentina | Donor Needed |
Jakarta Theological Seminary, Indonesia | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Kajo-Keji Christian College, South Sudan | Donor Needed |
Kasulu Bible College, Tanzania | Geoffrey Hoare |
Kerala Baptist Bible College and Seminary, India | Donor Needed |
Kerala Theological Seminary, India | Kevin Flynn |
Kgolagano College, Botswana | Daniel O’Neal |
Korean Bible Society, Korea | Robert Z. Aliber |
Kristo Buase Monastery, Ghana | Donor Needed |
Kuban Evangelical Christian University, Russia | Donor Needed |
Kurunagala Diocesan Library, Sri Lanka | Donor Needed |
Lelapa la Jesu Seminary, Lesotho | Roger A. Ferlo |
Leonard Kamungu Theological College, Malawi | Donor Needed |
Library for Foreign Literature, Russia | Donor Needed |
Luther Academy Seminary, Latvia | Donor Needed |
Magdalene College, United Kingdom | Donor Needed |
Makerere University, Uganda | Donor Needed |
Malankara Syrian Orthodox Theological Seminary, India | St. Paul University, Anglican Studies Program |
Mar Thoma Syrian Theological Seminary, India | The Episcopal Diocese of Southern Florida |
Maranatha Bible College, Ghana | Joe Goodwin Burnett |
Maryknoll Institute of African Studies, Kenya | Donor Needed |
Moscow Theological Academy, Russia | The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates |
Msalato Theological College, Tanzania | Donor Needed |
Myanmar Institute of Theology, Myanmar | The Rev. Bill Cruse |
Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology, Kenya | C. K. Robertson |
Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary, Namibia | Donor Needed |
Nanjing University, People’s Republic of China | Donor Needed |
National Biblical Catechetical and Liturgical Centre, India | Donor Needed |
National Christian Council Center for the Study of Japanese Religions, Japan | KyungJa Oh |
New Bishop Gwynne College, South Sudan | Claire Field |
Newton Theological College, Papua New Guinea | Donor Needed |
Nigerian Institute of Liturgical Studies, Nigeria | Kevin Flynn |
Niles Theological College, Sudan | Donor Needed |
North India Theological College, India | Donor Needed |
Order of the Minor Brothers, South Africa | Scott MacDougall |
Pacific Theological College, Fiji | Donor Needed |
Paul University, Nigeria | Donor Needed |
Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary, Philippines | Donor Needed |
Reformed Theological Seminary, Indonesia | Donor Needed |
Renk Theological College, South Sudan | Newland Smith |
Ripon College Cuddesdon, United Kingdom | Donor Needed |
Saint Andrew’s College of Theology and Development, Kenya | Donor Needed |
Saint Andrew’s Diocesan Church Center, Nigeria | Donor Needed |
Saint Andrew’s Theological College, Bangladesh | Donor Needed |
Saint Andrew’s Theological Seminary, Philippines | Jonathan Sy |
Saint Barnabas College, Australia | Noel Jeffs, SSF |
Saint Deiniol’s Library, United Kingdom | Andrew MacAoidh Jergens |
Saint John’s Anglican Seminary, Zambia | Donor Needed |
Saint John’s University, Tanzania | Donor Needed |
Saint Julian’s Centre, Kenya | Donor Needed |
Saint Mark’s Theological College, Tanzania | The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates |
Saint Nicholas Seminary, Ghana | Donor Needed |
Saint Paul United Theological College, Kenya | Donor Needed |
Saint Paul’s Theological College, Madagascar | Donor Needed |
Saint Paul’s Theological Seminary, Philippines | The Rt. Rev. Robert Fitzpatrick |
Saint Peter’s Seminary, Myanmar | Donor Needed |
Saint Philip’s Theological College, Kenya | Rosemary Gooden |
Saint Philip’s Theological College, Seychelles | Samuel G. Candler |
Saint Thomas Theological College, Pakistan | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Seminari Theoloji Malaysia, Malaysia | Donor Needed |
Seminario Anabautista Latinoamericano, Guatemala | William L. Crosby |
Seminario de San Andres, Mexico | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Seminario Diocesano, Guatemala | John L. Kater, Jr. |
Seminario Diocesano de la Anunciacion de Maria, Mexico | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Seminario Evangélico de Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico | In honor of Louis Weil |
Seminario Evangélico de Teologia, Cuba | Jackie Winter Seminaries Abroad Fund |
Seminario Internacional Teologico Bautista, Argentina | Peter Eaton, Diocese of Southeast Florida |
Seminario Internacional Teologico Bautista, Nicaragua | Donor Needed |
Seminario Santa Maria, Honduras | Donor Needed |
Seminario Teol Dom Egmont M. Krischke, Brazil | Donor Needed |
Seminario Teológico Bautista, Nicaragua | Fredrica Harris Thompsett |
Seminario Teológico da Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil, Brazil | Donor Needed |
Seminario Teológico Presbiteriano y Reformado de la Gran Colombia, Colombia | Ellen K. Wondra |
Seminario Teológico Wesleyano, Peru | Donor Needed |
Shukai Bible Training Institute, Sudan | Donor Needed |
Sia’atoutai Theological College, Kingdom of Tonga | Donor Needed |
Sierra Leone Theological Hall and Church Training Centre, Sierra Leone | Fredrica Harris Thompsett |
Sungkonhoe (Anglican) University, South Korea | Donor Needed |
Student Christian Center, Thailand | Donor Needed |
Talua Ministry Training Institute, Vanuatu | Donor Needed |
Tangaza College, Kenya | Donor Needed |
Tantur Ecumenical Institute, Israel | Donor Needed |
Theological College of Lanka, Sri Lanka | Donor Needed |
Theological College of North Nigeria, Nigeria | Fredrica Harris Thompsett |
Theological Education by Extension College, South Africa | Donor Needed |
Theological Seminary of Eastern Indonesia, Indonesia | Donor Needed |
Theological Seminary Library, India | Donor Needed |
Training for Ministries, South Africa | Jay E. Johnson |
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland | Scott MacDougall |
Trinity Theological College, Nigeria | Donor Needed |
Trinity Theological Seminary, Ghana | Donor Needed |
Uganda Christian University, Uganda | Fredrica Harris Thompsett |
Uganda Martyrs’ Seminary, Uganda | Donor Needed |
Union Biblical Seminary, India | Marion M. Anderson |
United Church of Zambia Theological College, Zambia | C. K. and Deborah Robertson |
United Theological College, West Indies | Donor Needed |
Universidad Adventista, Chile | Richard J. Jones |
Universidad Adventista Colombiana, Colombia | L. William Countryman |
Universidade Metodista de Sao Paulo, Brazil | Marshall A. Jolly |
University of Botswana, Botswana | Jacqueline B. Winter |
University of Cape Town, South Africa | C. K. and Deborah Robertson |
University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa | Charles Demers |
University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe | William Knutson |
Univerzita Karlova, Czech Republic | Donor Needed |
Univerzita Karlov V Praze, Czech Republic | Christoph Keller, III |
Vining College of Theology, Nigeria | Donor Needed |
West Africa Theological Seminary, Nigeria | Fredrica Harris Thompsett |
Yavatmal College for Leadership Training, India | Donor Needed |
Zomba Theological College, Malawi | Donor Needed |