Editors’ Notes
Editors’ Notes | Jason A. Fout and Scott MacDougall |
Law and Reason in Richard Hooker’s Invention of Anglicanism | Arthur Stephen McGrade |
Communion without Baptism and the Paradox of the Cross | Hannah Bowman |
“Therapeutic” Atonement? A Psychological Paradigm of the Cross in Dialogue with Martin Luther | Samuel J. Youngs |
Geoffrey Rowell: Historian and Theologian of Anglo-Catholicism | Jeremy Morris |
Practicing Theology
Preacher as Friend | Chloe Lynch |
Victory Song | Steven Walters |
The Ford of Jabbok | James Reid |
Faith and the Dry Times | John Brugaletta |
Winberi | Lancelot Schaubert |
The Hiding Place | Pamela Cranston |
Heiligenschein | Beth Oast Williams |
Noonday Eucharist | Jennifer Davis Michael |
Matins, Evensong | Peter Cooley |
There Is Wonder, Still | Christine Valters Paintner |
Review Article
“It’s Only Legal If It Works”: Atonement and Violence | Travis E. Ables |
Review in Depth
Political Theology as Pragmatic and Pneumatic Luke Bretherton, Christ and the Common Life: Political Theology and the Case for Democracy | Luke Zerra |
Against the Spirit of the Age: Kathryn Tanner’s Critique of Late Capitalism Kathryn Tanner, Christianity and the New Spirit of Capitalism | Jay Martin |
Book Reviews
David B. Austell, The Tin Man | Warren M. Harris |
Barbara Crooker, The Book of Kells | Marjorie Maddox |
E. Jane Doering and Ruthann Knechel Johansen, When Fiction & Philosophy Meet: A Conversation with Flannery O’Connor & Simone Weil | Luke Hankins |
Julia Gatta, Life in Christ: Practicing Christian Spirituality | Betty Creamer |
Deirdre Good and Katie Day, editors, Courage beyond Fear: Re-formation in Theological Education | Anne Tomlinson |
Frank Griswold, Tracking Down the Holy Ghost: Reflections on Love and Longing | John L. Kater |
Justin Hancock, The Julian Way: A Theology of Fullness for All of God’s People | Sister Mary Winifred |
David Heywood, Kingdom Learning: Experiential and Reflective Approaches to Christian Formation | Martha Korienek |
Judith H. Newman, Before the Bible: The Liturgical Body and the Formation of Scriptures in Early Judaism | Paulo Pereira Jr. |
Margaret Adams Parker and Katherine Sonderegger, Praying the Stations of the Cross: Finding Hope in a Weary Land | Tobias Stanislas Haller, BSB |
Douglas Pratt, Christian Engagement with Islam: Ecumenical Journeys since 1910 | David D. Grafton |
Or N. Rose, Homayra Ziad, and Soren M. Hessler, editors, Words to Live By: Sacred Sources for Interreligious Engagement | Lucinda Mosher |
Eleonore Stump, Atonement | Aaron Klink |
Sylvia Sweeney and Kimlee Anslow Hayes, Winged with Longing for Better Things | Gail Cafferata |