Summer 2020 • Volume 102 • Number 3

Editors’ Notes

Editors’ NotesJason A. Fout and Scott MacDougall


Law and Reason in Richard Hooker’s
Invention of Anglicanism
Arthur Stephen McGrade
Communion without Baptism
and the Paradox of the Cross
Hannah Bowman
“Therapeutic” Atonement?
A Psychological Paradigm of the Cross
in Dialogue with Martin Luther
Samuel J. Youngs
Geoffrey Rowell: Historian and Theologian
of Anglo-Catholicism
Jeremy Morris

Practicing Theology

Preacher as FriendChloe Lynch


Victory SongSteven Walters
The Ford of JabbokJames Reid
Faith and the Dry TimesJohn Brugaletta
WinberiLancelot Schaubert
The Hiding PlacePamela Cranston
HeiligenscheinBeth Oast Williams
Noonday EucharistJennifer Davis Michael
Matins, EvensongPeter Cooley
There Is Wonder, StillChristine Valters Paintner

Review Article

“It’s Only Legal If It Works”:
Atonement and Violence
Travis E. Ables

Review in Depth

Political Theology as Pragmatic and Pneumatic
Luke Bretherton, Christ and the Common Life:
Political Theology and the Case for Democracy
Luke Zerra
Against the Spirit of the Age: Kathryn Tanner’s
Critique of Late Capitalism
Kathryn Tanner, Christianity
and the New Spirit of Capitalism
Jay Martin

Book Reviews

David B. Austell, The Tin ManWarren M. Harris
Barbara Crooker, The Book of KellsMarjorie Maddox
E. Jane Doering and Ruthann Knechel Johansen,
When Fiction & Philosophy Meet:
A Conversation with
Flannery O’Connor & Simone Weil
Luke Hankins
Julia Gatta, Life in Christ:
Practicing Christian Spirituality
Betty Creamer
Deirdre Good and Katie Day, editors,
Courage beyond Fear:
Re-formation in Theological Education
Anne Tomlinson
Frank Griswold, Tracking Down the Holy Ghost:
Reflections on Love and Longing
John L. Kater
Justin Hancock, The Julian Way:
A Theology of Fullness
for All of God’s People
Sister Mary Winifred
David Heywood, Kingdom Learning:
Experiential and Reflective
Approaches to Christian Formation
Martha Korienek
Judith H. Newman, Before the Bible:
The Liturgical Body and the Formation
of Scriptures in Early Judaism
Paulo Pereira Jr.
Margaret Adams Parker
and Katherine Sonderegger,
Praying the Stations
of the Cross: Finding Hope
in a Weary Land
Tobias Stanislas Haller, BSB
Douglas Pratt, Christian Engagement
with Islam: Ecumenical Journeys since 1910
David D. Grafton
Or N. Rose, Homayra Ziad, and Soren M. Hessler,
editors, Words to Live By: Sacred Sources for
Interreligious Engagement
Lucinda Mosher
Eleonore Stump, AtonementAaron Klink
Sylvia Sweeney and Kimlee Anslow Hayes,
Winged with Longing for Better Things
Gail Cafferata