Spring 2021 • Volume 103 • Number 2

Special issue on “All Things Hold Together: Intersections in Creation Care”


Introduction to creation care issue of the Anglican Theological Review
Michael B. Curry

Editors’ Introduction

Editors’ Introduction
Andrew R. H. Thompson and Sarah K. Nolan


The word of God for safeguarding creation: Bible-based reflections to reestablish the God–humanity–creation covenant
Richard Acosta Rodríguez

La Palabra De Dios Para La Salvaguarda De La Creación: Una reflexión desde la Biblia para reestablecer la alianza Dios-humanidad-Creación
Richard Acosta Rodríguez

Joseph: lessons on scarcity for the pending climate change
Darriel B. Harris

When creation is sacred: restoring the indigenous Jesus
Rachel K. Taber-Hamilton

Listening to the land: eco-rooted activism at the Charis community in Charlottesville, Virginia
Grace Aheron

Beyond acedia and wrath: life during the climate apocalypse
A. Robert Hirschfeld and Stephen Blackmer

Preaching when life depends on it: climate crisis and Gospel hope
Margaret Bullitt-Jonas


Palm Sunday Rain
Jesse Breite

No Sculpted Stone
Luke Hankins

Luke Hankins

The Infinitely Tall Rabbi Lectures on the Centrality of the Physical Deed
Yehoshua November

I Felt Like I Had Walked Through the Streets of Jerusalem in an Earlier Life
Yehoshua November

Canticle with Love Entire Its Shape
Leslie Williams

Book Reviews

Amitav Ghosh, The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable
Shadreck Francis Chithila Kwagwanji

Brian Sellers-Petersen, Harvesting Abundance: Local Initiatives of Food and Faith
Andrew C. Sloan

Cathleen Bascom, Of Green Stuff Woven: A Novel
L. Allen Doyle, IV

Edward O. Wilson, Half-Earth: Our Planet’s Fight for Life
Perry Hodgkins Jones

Catherine Keller, Political Theology of the Earth: Our Planetary Emergency and the Struggle for a New Public
L. Allen Doyle, IV

Leah D. Schade and Margaret Bullitt-Jonas, Rooted & Rising: Voices of Courage in a Time of Climate Crisis
Perry Hodgkins Jones

Stephen Cottrell, On Priesthood: Servants, Shepherds, Messengers, Sentinels, Stewards
Phillip Ayers

Charles Cloughen, One-Minute Stewardship: Creative Ways to Talk about Money in Church
Gail Cafferata

Carla E. Roland Guzmán, Unmasking Latinx Ministry for Episcopalians: An Anglican Approach
Francisco J. Garcia, JR.

Sandra T. Montes, Becoming REAL: And Thriving in Ministry
Hart T. Roussel

Christian Smith, Bridget Ritz and Michael Rotolo, Religious Parenting: Transmitting Faith and Values in Contemporary America
Betty Creamer

Pierre W. Whalon, Made in Heaven? How God Acts in Marriage
John L. Kater

Deanna Ferree Womack, Neighbors: Christians and Muslims Building Community
Lucinda Mosher

Margaret Benefiel and Bo Karen Lee, The Soul of Higher Education: Contemplative Pedagogy, Research, and Institutional Life for the Twenty-First Century
Hannah Sutton-Adams

Oliver D. Crisp, Analyzing Doctrine: Toward a Systematic Theology
Aaron Brian Davis

Joshua B. Davis, Misrecognitions: Gillian Rose and the Task of Political Theology
Travis Lacy

Paula Fredriksen, Paul: The Pagans’ Apostle
Jonathan E. Soyars

Richard Gaillardetz (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Vatican II (Cambridge Companions to Religion)
Kristin Colberg

Philip A. Cunningham, Ruth Langer and Jesper Svartvik (eds), Enabling Dialogue About the Land: A Resource Book for Jews and Christians
Daniel Joslyn-Siemiatkoski

Lauren F. Winner, The Dangers of Christian Practice: On Wayward Gifts, Characteristic Damage, and Sin
Jon Kara Shields
