Spring 2023 • Volume 105 • Number 2

Editors’ Notes

Editors’ Notes
Jason A. Fout and Jenifer S. Hughes


Divine and human agency in the poetry of George Herbert Ben Meyers

Graced human bodies and the enterprising subject: contending neoliberal assumptions of the human person Lyndon Shakespeare

Article X, trial use, and the history of liturgical authorization in the Episcopal Church Matthew S. C. Olver

Practicing Theology

Touching the third (altar) rail: lessons learned about theological discourse on baptism and Eucharist in The Episcopal Church Robert MacSwain

The eucharistic feast of creation John Gatta


Booths Anthony Baker

(when we see) Heather Kaufmann

Burning the Bunch Grass Joy Moore

Fish Tacos Ryan Keating

Boundary Maple A. Robert Hirschfeld

Holy Saturday A. Robert Hirschfeld

Review in Depth

Disability: Living into the Diversity of Christ’s Body Anthony J. Stif

Review Essays

Belonging to a world in crisis Anthony D. Baker

An inconvenient apocalypse Evan F. Kuehn

Book Reviews